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Interview with the band Razorwire Halo… Where Bowie’s Fa Fa Fa Fashion Takes an Industrial Crunch

Interview with the band Razorwire Halo… Where Bowie’s Fa Fa Fa Fashion Takes an Industrial Crunch

By: Carlotta Overdrive

RAPMM: Thank you Razorwire Halo for taking some time out to speak with us at Rock All Photography. Are all of you from the Kansas area? if not where is your hometown?

RAPMM: There has been a mix of sounds come from your area. What have been some of the most well-known bands?


RAPMM: What were you all into when you were younger in High School and College?



RAPMM: How did you all come to your own sound?

RAPMM: Do you find that your sound is settling into one genre in particular or do you find with each song you write that another influence of some kind is making its way in?


RAPMM: Your album cover art for ‘Retaliate’ who created it? What does it signify and how does everything tie into the wicked digital feel of your press photos?


RAPMM: It is always fascinating to hear about artist and bands process they go through to create an EP or Album even. Can you describe the process of how this album came together, and what it has meant to all of you?

RAPMM: Looking back over the project, how satisfied are you all with the final product? Any notes of things you might change or try differently next time?


RAPMM: Spotify and YouTube seem to be the two most important places for musicians to be seen and heard nowadays. What elements did you put together as you were story-boarding for your first music video off the album “Sweat?”


RAPMM: Certainly most bands are already planning a year or more ahead. What are some things you as a band would like to develop? Songwriting-wise? Instrumentally wise?


RAPMM: What about a Razorwire fashion line?


RAPMM: Out of this process of emerging what so far have you all found to be the most valuable lesson that you have learned?


RAPMM: Best quote or advice you can think of to give up and coming bands about sucking it up and just work harder than everyone else?






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