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Interview with Phoenix based rock band – Never Us

Interview with Phoenix based rock band – Never Us
By: Lauren Dix

Lauren Dix: Describe the sound of Never Us. 
Kegan DeBacker: Our sound is somewhat hard to explain. We meld together rock, pop, and hip-hop to create a unique sound. We really just infuse all the genres that we personally enjoy listening to. What is important to us is making sure that we tell a story through our music without worrying about genre labels.
LD: This year found some major changes for the band didn’t it?
Jordan Cuadras: We did have a lot of changes. Not only did our band name change but we also decided to revamp our music style. It’s definitely the push we needed and so far it’s been great! LD: The decision sometimes to pull back, reassess happens for many reasons. It sounds like this move towards where you are now is working better for all of you. Do you feel a change at times for a band is actually a good thing?
Jesse Clark: I absolutely do in the beginning stages of defining what you want to do. For Never Us, we really wanted to get a fresh start and get closer to what our true sound was.
Kegan DeBacker: I agree with Jesse. In most cases, a band grows with each song they write and we are no exception. We felt like our last set of songs is a massive step up from what we have done before and we needed to rebrand ourselves in a way.

LD: You all have families and day jobs. How does a band go about finding the balance between all of it?
Jesse Clark: I couldn’t do any of this without the support of my family, especially my girlfriend. She literally drives me to keep going when I feel the artistry depression we all get sometimes haha.
Kegan DeBacker: Juggling life and the band is definitely difficult at times. Between school, work, and the band there is very little wiggle room for free time. It is important to find time for everyone that means a lot to you and to reflect on what you are doing along the way.
LD: Each day brings with her I am sure many new inspirations. Where is your go-to spot for finding those moments?
Kegan DeBacker: Typically I get ideas for songs randomly throughout the day. I try to leave notes for myself on my phone when I get ideas so I can record them later. I also listen to some of my favorite artists to get into a mood or vibe for a song as well. usually, if the ball starts rolling on an idea I have, then I track a lot in that moment to keep the ideas flowing.
LD: Talk to us about this single, will it eventually have a video with it, or should we be looking for one soon for another single?
Kegan DeBacker: Our newest single, Retrograde reflects the feeling of being an introvert in an extroverted environment. We are thinking of doing a video for all of our new songs, and we should be releasing new music very soon!
LD: Who all did you work with on developing this song? Jordan Cuadras: during the development of this song we recorded with Matt Good here in Tempe Arizona. He brought the best out of all of us and added a flare of his own. Will be definitely recording with him again.
LD: It is feeling like this song might be part of a whole story in development… can you share?
Kegan DeBacker: I would say that it may not be a whole story necessarily, but it is definitely a beginning of a new chapter for Never Us. Our new music will push our sound further and show more of how we meld different influences together.
LD: What can we be looking forward to next in 2019?
Jordan Cuadras: Next year you can expect us to be playing shows and recording new material throughout 2019
Kegan DeBacker: We hope to be releasing our new music and start playing shows in early 2019. Follow our band on Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify to keep up to date @neverusofficial



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